Monday, November 19, 2007

Concert pictures

All of the kids had their music concerts on November 15th. They were actually scheduled at the same time, which made for some interesting juggling and arranging. Luckily the elementary school has a dress rehearsal in the afternoon were all of the other classes get to see the program and parents are invited to attend then too. So, we went to the dress rehearsal in the afternoon for the girls and to the middle school concert in the evening. I arranged for a friend's family to bring the girls home after their evening performance was over.

The fourth grade performance was a recorder musical. The story of magical tigers stolen by aliens and rescued by astronauts was told through narrators and music pieces played out on recorders with kids acting it out. The classes learned different songs and took turns playing them. Carissa's class played the first song- she is in the back row, middle.
Beth's class played the third song. She is in the back row, four from the right.
Beth even had a little solo in one song (it was about 2 measures long LOL)
After the 7th and 8th grade jazz band played a couple of songs, the 6th grade band got their turn on the 'stage'. Bryce is sitting in front of the speaker, next to the girl with the hat on.

This is the HMS drum corp. Having that many people playing the drums sure makes an impression! They are very good. It is hard to believe that they only started this program last year in the middle of the school year.
and last, all of the kids got to show off their marching band song they will be playing in the Festival of Lights parade on Dec 1. They had a little trouble staying together- probably because of the echos in the gym. They usually do better when they are outside and that isn't a concern. Mr. Lawrence said the have over 200 kids participating in the marching band this year between the band and drum corp. The parade is a contest and he is training them to be competitive against the high school bands that will be participating also. I heard him ask them one day at practice after school "How many high school bands are we going to beat? ALL of THEM!" I'd say they have a good chance, I'm impressed at their skill level considering a third to half of the band members are 6th graders and have only been playing their instruments for 4 months.

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Blogger Meredith said...

wow! you've been busy! good thing they let you come to dress rehearsals!

11:08 PM  

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