Misc April- June scrapbook pages
Too many pages I have to do in advance and then can’t post until a particular date. They stack up and I forget about them a lot of the time, especially when it comes to posting here on the old blog. So, here’s a number of pages that I’ve been collecting for a while. ;)
journaling: I can feel the anticipation of the day that there are kids playing in Grandma’s new backyard again. There will be lots of laughter and fun once the boxes are all unpacked and the spring weather truly arrives. I know that the tire swing will provide hours of joy, as I remember how much I loved the one in our backyard in Tulsa.
credits: Impressions of Playtime by The Studio Girls at scrapbookgraphics.com
font: CK Becky, Ticket Capitals Impressed
journaling: Bryce had his first cornet recital November 21 at The Springs Community Church. He played well, especially for his first solo performances! Bryce played Ballad in Blue by Robert Girlamo for his solo piece; Mark accompanied him on the piano. His second piece was a duet with his teacher, Greg Arnold. They played Blue Skies by Irving Berlin. November 21, 2010.
credits: Start the Music by Julia Makotinsky, Marker Doodle Doo, Chipper Chatter Positive Words, and Paperworn Art Styles by Tangie Baxter
font: Tangie AJF Tweedledee, Tangie AJF Tweedledum, Times and Times Again
journaling: It was bitterly cold this last day of 2010, but Sarah still wanted to go sledding. We walked to the back of the school and spent about 20 minutes sliding down the hill before Brenna and Sarah got too cold to enjoy it any more. A mug of hot chocolate helped to warm their insides once we got home.
credits: Winter's Blush by Veronica Spriggs and Laitha at scrapbookgraphics.com; Template 185 by Yin Designs; Peace on Earth (alpha) by Flergs and Eva Kipler at scrapbookgraphics; font: Vaguely Repulsive
credits: Connect by The Studio Girls at scrapbookgraphics; font: TXT Scribbletti
credits: Peacock Page Kit and Imagica Elements (hanging pendant) by MicroFerk Designs, Blended Template 05 by Lorelei Murphy
font: Zapf Chancery LT, CK Becky
credits: Discovery by Dianne Rigdon at 2PeasInABucket.com; Jumper 57 (retired) by Crystal Livesay ; font: CK Carefree
credits: at scrapbookgraphics: Good Day Sunshine, Studio Mix; PreFABs Project 365 Pack 2 by Dutchie for The Lab; font: P22 Garamouche
credits: Audaciously Awesome by Kim Jensen and Kate Hadfield at Scrapdish.com and The-LilyPad.com; template inspiration 5-11-10 by Katie Pertiet at DesignerDigitals.com; font: AJF Madhatter, Technical
credits: everything by Lorie Davison at scrapbookgraphics.com: Windows to the Heart {With Everything In It}, The Poet's Keepssakes, Baby Bee Garden, Greymouse Manor Winter Ball, Bunnies Bees and the Birds Big Balloon, Before the First Snow
font: Zapfino Linotype Four
journaling: Take a big breath... close your eyes... scrunch up your nose.... and blow! Brenna enjoying the age old summer tradition of making wishes on dandelion seeds.
credits: by Kim Jensen at scrapdish.com: Daisies and Dandelions, Butterfly Fields Paper Pack, Page Plate 1, Audaciously Awesome with Kate Hadfield (alpha); Stick It Dates by Darcy Baldwin at sweetshoppedesigns.com; font: CK Becky
journaling: Last spring after the first grade did their musical, Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, Brenna told me that she wanted to have a part next year and not just be in the choir. She didn’t hesitate this year to tell Ms. Champlin when the time came and she was assigned the part of Dot the Ladybug in this year’s musical, Bugz. Not only did she get to sing a solo, but she got to dance too- her favorite 2 things in the world.
credits: at scrapbookgraphics: Sweet Ladybug by BCD, Layered Templates Bundle 1 by Lorelei Murphy; font: Baby Boston
A page from our 2006 vacation. journaling: It was an exhibit that fascinated everyone in the family- just how do they do those amazing magic tricks? yep, it’s science... and the art of diversion too. Each of the tricks could be seen from the front as the audience would see it, and then behind the scenes it was explained how it was all done. There was a live show too that demonstrated a few of the common tricks found in that setting.
credits: at scrapbookgraphics: Hocus Pocus by Charlize Creations, Layered Templates Bundle 3 by Lorelei Murphy; font: CK Elsie, P22 Garamouche
journaling: Charlotte seems like an eighth member of our family some days. Sarah loves to pretend that she is a real baby of her own. She changes clothes, eats, naps, cries, and gets sick and needs medicine. Charlotte likes to go on shopping trips and to see new things. She can often be found sitting in Mama’s purse during those longer trips. It’s fun to see Sarah taking care of her and enjoying this doll from her great-grandmother Patsy.
credits: at scrapbookgraphics: by Dawn Inskip- The Playroom with Lorie M, Above and Beyond Template 16, Painted Alphas; by Tangie Baxter- Paperworn Art Styles, AJF Mock Turtle; font: Arial, AJF Mock Turtle
journaling: Several times a summer this small traveling carnival arrives at a vacant lot near our home. The flashing lights are like a beacon calling out to everyone to come and spend an hour or two having a good time. My kids are not immune to its siren call and beg to go each time we drive by.
credits: at scrapbookgraphics: Studio Mix #2: Carnival Story, Carnival Story B-Sides Alpha, and Carnival Story B-Sides Titles by Flergs, Julia Makotinsky and Miss Vivi, Studio Layered Templates Bundle 3 by Lorelei Murphy
font: Fulton Artistamp
Labels: Beth, Brenna, Bryce, Carissa, family, music, Sarah, scrapbooking, winter