Out of frustration....

Thanks for the words of encouragement yesterday. Today was much calmer for everyone. Sarah's fever seems to be gone, but she is now covered in some sort of red rash. Mostly she ignores it, but sometime I catch her scratching furiously in certain areas. I have no idea what it is that she caught, and with the weekend looming hopefully things will continue to improve. Other than the nasty looking rash all over her from head to toe, she seemed pretty normal today. She took a nice long nap in her crib this afternoon and ate this evening; her appetite isn't quite back to normal, but it is getting there. She was still a bit clingy, but she also played by herself and with the other kids too.
Tonight was the ending program of VBS at church tonight, but because of the rash thing we didn't think it was wise to take Sarah . So, that translates into me staying home with her while everyone else goes out. We needed a trip out of the house too, so we went to Target to buy a few more school supplies -whoo hoo! LOL I think we've got everything we need now. I will have to go through and divide things up this weekend to make sure. The school sent an email saying that the class lists were posted now, so we will have to take the kids over to see who their teachers for this year are. The email also said there is supposed to be some sort of testing on Thursday, but I have yet to hear anything about that. School starts a week from Monday on August 7 at 8:05A- yes, the countdown has begun ;)
Before I go, here a couple more LOs I've done this week:
I used Tracy's Dinner with Friends kit for this one about the dramatic and delicious fruit flambe we saw and tasted at the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh.

I did this one for Jeanine's 80s challenge:

fonts: Adobe Caslan Pro and Varsity
and finally, a sneak peek at the kit I made during our vacation. You saw a few parts of it in my Whirlwind of Fun LO I did earlier. It comes with 2, 8.5x11 layered tif grid templates to help with making those grid-type LOs easier. If you want to make it a 12x12 LO, then you just add your own piece of paper behind it like I did on my LO. Scrap those everyday moments and things that you often overlook- your daily routines and the little bits and pieces around you that are part of your everyday life.

Well, that's it for me tonight! Have a great weekend everyone!